Top Tips for Liposuction Recovery

If you`re planning liposuction surgery shortly, one of the top things on your mind may be liposuction recovery. It is only normal to get a bit concerned about discomfort or possible issues during your lipo recovery. But, there`s absolutely no need for worry if you take the proper steps to encourage a fast and easy recovery. We encourage you to review the home of page of High Definition Liposuction to learn more about liposuction.

Here are the top tips for easy liposuction recovery.

Stop smoking

When you smoke, it affects your immune system in a very negative way.  For this reason, a smoker takes far longer to heal after surgery.  The World Health Organization says that just one cigarette a day can potentially prevent you from healing properly after surgery, and it also increases the risk of post-surgical complications.

Wear compression garments

Your doctor typically gives you compression garments to wear home after the surgery. You can also order these garments online. Compression garments are substantial but still have some elasticity. They help to reduce swelling after your liposuction.

Stop taking blood thinners.

Before your surgery, your doctor will tell you to stop taking blood thinners and certain other medications or supplements that can increase bleeding. Those medications can also cause more bruising and skin discoloration after surgery. Your doctor will tell you when it`s safe to resume everyday medication use.

Stay active

As soon as you can, start following your liposuction procedure. The sooner you can be active, the less pain you`ll have overall, and the easier and quicker your recovery can be. Even if it is just walking down the hallway a few times, moving around can help prevent blood clots while also minimizing nerve pain.

Your doctor may also give you some other helpful lipo recovery tips after your surgery. For example, they may recommend lymphatic massage and deep breathing exercises. Follow these tips closely to get the very best outcome from your upcoming surgery!

We have a blog post with more information on Fast Liposuction Recovery check it out!

Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty) in Seattle WA

Men and women who come to Seattle Washington for rhinoplasty or nasal contouring surgery each have their own reasons for wanting to enhance their nose or facial features. Rhinoplasty surgery – nasal contouring is a plastic surgery procedure to reshape the nose. In most cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, function follows form and reshaping the nose may affect breathing as well as the tone of speech. The nose consists of several subunits and rhinoplasty surgery or nasal contouring may include shaping the bones, cartilage and overlying soft tissues.

Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed by a variety of methods and there is no one method which is best for all patients. In most cosmetic surgery practices, the patient will make the decision regarding rhinoplasty surgery based upon their personal goals and expectations as well as their anatomy. Like everything in life, there are advantages and disadvantages for each option and every patient has different opinions and desires so you are encouraged to discuss the various options with your plastic surgeon at length to find out which option is best for them. Your local plastic surgeon will review a few common aspects of rhinoplasty or nose surgery and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Eyelid Surgery – Blepharoplasty

Men and women each have their own reasons for wanting to enhance their eyelids. An eyelid tuck, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of aging associated with the upper and lower eyelids. Signs of aging in the upper eyelids include loose sagging skin that creates fullness and disturbs the natural contour. Occasionally, this excess skin can be so severe that it impairs vision. In addition, puffiness in the upper eyelids could be due to excess fat deposits. Signs of aging in the lower eyelids include bags and dark circles, drooping of the lid margin, and excess skin. These effects of aging can create a tired or sad appearance.

Eyelid surgery is performed in a certified operating suite with either local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. The upper eyelid blepharoplasty utilizes incisions that can be concealed within the natural structures of the eyelid. The lower eyelid may be corrected with an incision below the lower lash line. In addition, a trans-conjunctival approach is an alternate technique that allows the incision to be hidden inside the lower eyelid. This technique allows redistribution or removal of excess fat; however it does not allow for removal of excess skin. It is important that you work with your plastic surgeon to choose the best option for you depending on the outcome you wish to achieve. The goals of surgery are to produce a more rested and refreshed appearance through repositioning or removal of excess fat and removal of excess skin.

Blepharoplasty procedures can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as brow lifts to rejuvenate the aging forehead and brows and facelifts to rejuvenate the aging face.